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advanced squad leaderの例文


  • The following is a list of Advanced Squad Leader Modules, and the dates of their release.
  • Greenwood's prediction was correct as far as time frame; in 1985 the Advanced Squad Leader system debuted.
  • "' Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader "'was a version of the Advanced Squad Leader game introduced in 1985.
  • "' Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader "'was a version of the Advanced Squad Leader game introduced in 1985.
  • Certain flagship games would have semi-regular feature columns, such as Advanced Squad Leader's " ASL Clinic ".
  • The concept is embraced by " Advanced Squad Leader " ( ASL ), which has 60 + geomorphic mapboards.
  • In 1998 Big Time Software negotiated with Avalon Hill to do a computerized version of Advanced Squad Leader, but plans fell through.
  • Instead, by the time it debuted, Advanced Squad Leader had become a complete replacement of the games of the original SL series.
  • The most successful literal adaptation of ASL to the computer has been Virtual Advanced Squad Leader, designed by Rodney Kinney as described above.
  • Perhaps the most successful board wargaming system ever designed, " Advanced Squad Leader ", is set at the tactical level.
  • The 1st edition ASL Rulebook contained a chapter on painting 1 : 285 scale miniatures, and the Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader Modules were released soon after Beyond Valor.
  • All official Squad Leader scenarios printed by Avalon Hill have been reissued for Advanced Squad Leader and released in either The General Magazine, ASL Annuals or scenario packs.
  • Big Time Software went on to produce Combat Mission : Beyond Overlord, which was a 3D tactical computer game very similar to Advanced Squad Leader but with significant differences.
  • The move from Avalon Hill also meant severing ties to " ASL "; the unfinished project had no references to " Advanced Squad Leader " or Avalon Hill.
  • However, the Advanced Squad Leader Rulebook became much more than just a simple rewrite of the rules, it in fact became a complete replacement of the games of the original SL series.
  • ""'Advanced Squad Leader " "'( ASL ) is a hexagons to regulate fire and movement, and depict generic terrain that can represent different historical locations.
  • There have been at least four official attempts to create a computer game modeled after " Advanced Squad Leader, " the massively detailed and dauntingly encyclopedic board game of World War II infantry combat.
  • Popular miniature wargames include " Warhammer 40, 000 " or its fantasy counterpart " Paths of Glory " . " Advanced Squad Leader " is a successful tactical scale wargame.
  • When the Finnish module " Hakkaa P滗lle " was released, the Advanced Squad Leader became the first wargame in history to be able to portray the armies of every nationality that participated in hostilities in the Second World War.
  • In Volume 20, Number 1 of " The General ", he also anticipated " the " Advanced SQUAD LEADER Rulebook " will be a major publishing event greater than any of the previous gamette releases ."
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